Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada

Camp Nanuq

(There are 2 photos in this photo gallery.)

Polar Bear Near Camp Nanuq Hudson Bay Churchill Manitoba

A Polar Bear is getting too close to civilization as he nears Camp Nanuq located along the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba.

Patiently waiting for the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba to freeze and become cold enough for this polar bear to hunt ringed seals, he wanders across the tundra near Camp Nanuq to scrounge for food. The odors which emerge from the kitchen at Camp Nanuq a ...
Churchill Manitoba Wildlife Picture Camp Nanuq Hudson Bay

A close up picture of a Polar Bear with the sun reflecting off its fur heading towards Camp Nanuq in the Hudson Bay region of Churchill, Manitoba. Wildlife is often seen trying to find scraps of food near the camps but are deterred by cracker guns.

The winter sunlight glistens off the snow white fur coat of a polar bear who was seen near Camp Nanuq in the Hudson Bay region in Churchill, Manitoba. A beautiful species of wildlife, a Polar Bear is one of the world's largest land carnivores and are consid ...

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Canada photography and photos - Camp Nanuq