Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada


(There are 3 photos in this photo gallery.)

Johnston Canyon Creek Alberta Canada

Water rushes over the rock formations in the creek in Johnston Canyon in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada from Spring time thawing.

Spring in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada is a beautiful time of year especially in Johnston Canyon as the frozen water melts and fills Johnston Creek. As the water flows over the rocks, small waterfalls drop to the next tiers of rocks and ...
Cold Water Creek Alberta

The water in Johnston Creek in Banff National Park, Alberta is extremely cold as the ice and snow begins to thaw.

Johnston Creek flows through Johnston Canyon in Banff National Park, Alberta in Canada and the cold winter days can partly freeze the water creating unique ice falls. Frozen snow and ice conditions still linger around the creek area as Spring slo ...
Cold Johnston Creek

Johnston Creek in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada rushes over the rocks as the cold snow and ice forms the banks of the creek.

Parts of Johnston Creek in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada still rushes over the rocks of the creek bed as snow and ice builds up along the banks. The water of the creek at this time of year is extremely cold and dipping your toes in this ...

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Canada photography and photos - Creek