Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada

Killer Whale Pictures

(There are 4 photos in this photo gallery.)

Whale Watching In BC Canada

A couple of surfing killer whales seen during a whale watching tour in BC, Canada.

Off of Northern Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada there are many whale watching tours available for people wanting to see these fascinating mammals in their natural environment. One of the behavioral traits that a Killer Whale does is surf in the wake of boats and seei ...
Killer Whale Vancouver Island British Columbia

Killer Whale porpoising in Johnstone Strait off of the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada is a magnificent sight for both locals and tourists to see.

A Killer Whale performing a maneuver known as porpoising in Johnstone Strait off of Vancouver Island, British Columbia is a wonderful sight for anyone to see. The Northern Resident Killer Whales or Orcinus Orca, as they are known, will range from Campbell River all the way North ...
Killer Whale Watching Vancouver Island

A killer whale passes by this whale watching boat, a very common sight in the waters off Northern Vancouver Island in British Columbia.

A Killer Whale gives tourists on a whale watching boat a close up view of himself as he leisurely swims by in the lifting fog. This whale watching vessel is one of many that tour the waters off Northern Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada to view these majestic creatures ...
Orca Family Vancouver Island

A family of Orca stay close together on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.

A beautiful picture of a family of Orca as they leisurely swim the waters of Johnstone Strait off Northern Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. The mist from their blowholes hangs in the air as each family member comes to the surface for a breath of air. Killer whales i ...

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Canada photography and photos - Killer Whale Pictures