Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada

Marine Mammal Pictures

(There are 99 photos in this photo gallery.)

Tired Polar Bear Churchill Manitoba

As winter slowly approaches around the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba this Polar Bear still finds himself very tired.

Upon the dry moss growing on top of a rock, a large polar bear lay fast asleep waiting for the big freeze to hit Churchill, Manitoba. Being tired is natural for a Polar Bear at this time of year as their energy level has dropped significantly from sleeping. ...
Polar Bear Climate Churchill Manitoba

A Polar Bear braving the cold climate that surrounds Churchill, Manitoba on his way to the Hudson Bay in search of some food.

A Polar Bear struts across the icy tundra of the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba as the snow falls around him. Cold days like these are no problem for a polar bear due to his thick coat, but humans would not last very long in this ...
Polar Bear Running Churchill Manitoba

A grown Polar Bear running freely in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area along the coastline of the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba.

A Polar Bear running across the tundra in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba as he looks for somewhere to go until the Hudson Bay freezes over. Even though this polar bear has not eaten much over the last few months, you can still ...
Polar Bear Walk Hudson Bay Churchill Manitoba

A Polar Bear takes a walk along the icy shoreline of the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba sniffing out any possibility of food.

The Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba is beginning to freeze over and this polar bear can hardly wait for his first delicious meal. Polar Bears know that as soon as the bay freezes, then the waters are full of ringed seals. Taking a walk along the coastline ...
Polar Bear Head Hudson Bay Churchill Manitoba

As tired as this Polar Bear seems in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba as his head peeks over the rock, he is always on alert.

As this Polar Bear rests, all you can see is his cute head peering from over the top of the rock in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba. While searching for a polar bear in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area, stay ...
Polar Bear Sleeping Churchill Wildlife Management Area

A Polar Bear spends his days sleeping in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada as he awaits the massive freeze that takes over the Hudson Bay.

Sleeping peacefully, this polar bear rests his head upon his front paws as his back paws curl up underneath his large body. Until the Hudson Bay freezes over and this Polar Bear stocks up on some good food, his energy level is very low after sleeping for a ...
Polar Bear Back Rub Churchill Manitoba Tundra

A Polar Bear finds the icy tundra of Churchill, Manitoba the ideal place to give himself a back rub as parts of the tundra growth still pokes through.

A back that is itchy and needs rubbing is a hard place for a Polar Bear to reach, so what better way for him to scratch it and give himself a back rub than to roll around on the icy tundra in Churchill, Manitoba. This cute polar bear keeps a close eye on us ...
Polar Bear Activities Churchill Manitoba

Polar Bear activities vary throughout the day but this one does something a little different on the tundra in Churchill, Manitoba.

A polar bear has a variety of activities that keep him busy, but this one decides that it is a great time to investigate and see what lurks in the wheel well of one of the tundra buggies in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba. Wait ...
Sitting Polar Bear Churchill Manitoba

Sitting quietly in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba this Polar Bear is not sure whether to get up or lay down again.

A Polar Bear sitting in the perfect pose to have his picture taken after slowly arising as he waits for the tundra to freeze over in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada. As he stares at us and the large equipment we have, h ...
Sleepy Polar Bear Churchill Manitboa

A Polar Bear still looks a little sleepy after slowly wakening from a long nap around Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba.

This sleepy Polar Bear rests his head upon his large paw while trying to get up enough energy before the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba freezes over. Once the Polar Bear realizes it is safe to venture out on the icy bay, he will explore the ar ...
Polar Bear Road Block Churchill Manitoba

A Polar Bear sits on the side of the road creating a block in the path in Churchill, Manitoba as tourists pull over to snap his picture.

Tourists drive through the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba and once they see a large white block along side of the road, they know a polar bear has been found and the cameras begin clicking. This Polar Bear sits peacefully on the s ...
Polar Bear Family Churchill Manitoba

A family consisting of a mother Polar Bear and her cub cross the tundra in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba.

A mother polar bear makes here way up a hill in the Churchill Management Wildlife Area in Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba with her cub following closely behind. This tight knit family will travel across the icy tundra in search of food while the mother te ...
Sleeping Polar Bear Hudson Bay Churchill Manitoba

The easiest way to capture a picture of a Polar Bear is when it is sleeping on the tundra in the Hudson Bay area in Churchill, Manitoba.

This Polar Bear will continue his sleeping pattern in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba until the tundra and Hudson Bay freeze over. Once that begins to happen, the polar bear that has been sleeping a majority of the time since J ...
Polar Bear Car Watch Churchill Manitoba

A Polar Bear decides that it is his turn to watch this car and see what lurks inside while they pass by in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba.

Usually tourists are on watch in search of a polar bear or two while in Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada but the roles in this picture have been reversed. A Polar Bear decides it is his turn to watch the passing car and see what is alw ...
Polar Bear Alert Churchill Manitoba

Journeying across the tundra of Churchill, Manitoba, this Polar Bear is very alert of what is happening around him.

A Polar Bear has awoken from his restful sleep and is making his way across the Churchill Wildlife Management Area landscape in Hudson Bay near Churchill, Manitoba staying very alert of his surroundings. Sounds from above make this polar bear extremely curi ...
Pilot Whales Nova Scotia

The beauty of the waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Nova Scotia as Long Finned Pilot Whales decide to make an appearance for passengers aboard a whale watching tour.

The dorsal fins of the Long Finned Pilot Whales are easily seen above the surface of the waters in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Nova Scotia, Canada. The whale in the foreground gives us a good look at his round forehead before dipping below the co ...
Long Finned Pilot Whales Nova Scotia

On a whale watching excursion in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia we were lucky to come across some Long-Finned Pilot Whales as they surface nearby.

Long-Finned Pilot Whales are not actually whales at all but belong to the dolphin family just like a Killer Whale. These whales are very social mammals and have very round distinctive foreheads which makes them easy to recognize in the wild. Enjo ...
Gray Whale Baja

A Gray Whale surfaces in the warm waters around Baja, California in the United States of America.

The backside of this Gray Whale in Baja, California is covered with barnacles as they attach themselves for a free ride. No known harm comes to the Gray Whale from these barnacles and when whale watching in Baja, California you can see for yourse ...
Killer Whale Watching Vancouver Island

A killer whale passes by this whale watching boat, a very common sight in the waters off Northern Vancouver Island in British Columbia.

A Killer Whale gives tourists on a whale watching boat a close up view of himself as he leisurely swims by in the lifting fog. This whale watching vessel is one of many that tour the waters off Northern Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada to view these majestic creatures ...

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Canada photography and photos - Marine Mammal Pictures