Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada

Rogers Centre

(There are 2 photos in this photo gallery.)

Dusk Skyline Toronto City Ontario Canada

At dusk, the Rogers Centre and the CN Tower are two of the main buildings which are brightly illuminated and decorate the skyline in the city of Toronto, Ontario in Canada.

As dusk settles in over the city of Toronto, Ontario, the skyline comes to life in brilliant colors as the lights from the buildings are illuminated. Rogers Center, previously the Skydome, is an indoor/outdoor sports center where many special events are ...
CN Tower Skydome Toronto

A panoramic view of the CN Tower flanked by the Skydome Stadium, from downtown Toronto, Ontario.

The CN Tower, the worlds tallest freestanding structure, stands behind Skydome Stadium, renamed Rogers Centre, as iconic landmarks on the skyline of Toronto, Ontario. Both structures are extremely important to the tourist trade in Toronto, and the stadiu ...

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Canada photography and photos - Rogers Centre