Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada

Rue Saint Amable

(There are 4 photos in this photo gallery.)

Rue Saint Amable Restaurant Old Montreal Quebec

A variety of flags fly above the awnings at a restaurant along Rue Saint-Amable in Old Montreal, Quebec where two woman stop to dine.

Shaded by the umbrellas, two women dine at a restaurant along the Rue Saint-Amable in Old Montreal, Quebec as the flags overhead gently blow in the breeze. The Rue Saint-Amable first originated in 1805 under the name of Viger Alley and in 1814 a ...
Quaint Restaurant Old Montreal Street

A quaint restaurant tucked away along a street named Rue Saint-Amable in Old Montreal in Quebec, Canada.

The Rue Saint-Amable in Old Montreal, Quebec is a street which attracts many tourists where people find a variety of shops and restaurants. This quaint restaurant is tucked away on a street corner with beautiful plants decorating the entranceway. ...
Rue Saint Amable Artist Old Montreal Quebec

This artist, along with many others, set up stands along Rue Saint-Amable in Old Montreal, Quebec during the summer months.

An artist sets up an easel and brings out his paints along Rue Saint-Amable in Old Montreal in Quebec, Canada on a beautiful summer day. Tourists stop and admire the work that this artist creates and many of his pictures are sold along this attra ...
Art Exhibit Rue Saint Amable Montreal

An artist busy at work as he sets up his exhibit of all of his art work along the Rue Saint-Amable in Old Montreal in Quebec, Canada.

This exhibit along the Rue Saint-Amable in Old Montreal, Quebec displays some incredible art work created by this local artist. This man continues to work as people pass by and browse through his art work that has taken him many hours and years to perfect. A ...

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Canada photography and photos - Rue Saint Amable