Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada

Spirit Sands Trail

(There are 4 photos in this photo gallery.)

Spirit Sands Trail Sand Dune Patterns Manitoba Canada

Unique patterns across the sand dunes found along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada are formed from the gusty winds which sweep through the area.

While hiking along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada, one can see the different patterns across the surface of each sand dune. The winds can blow hard across the sand dunes moving the sand around constantl ...
Spirit Sands Trail Pink Flowers Spruce Woods Provincial Park

The log steps provide an ideal location for the pretty pink flowers to blossom along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba.

A steep set of log steps make their way up the sandy slope creating an easier route for hikers on the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada. Along the steps, pretty pink flowers blossom in the sun as they prefer t ...
Summer Sun Halo Spirt Sands Trail Manitoba

A halo forms around the sun which shines down upon the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada during the summer.

While hiking across the sand dunes on the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada during the summer months, some will find the blazing heat from the sun to be unbearable. Hikers should be fully prepared on hot summe ...
Plant Patterns Sand Dunes Spirit Sands Trail Manitoba

The strong winds which pass across the sand dunes along the Spirit Sands Trail in Manitoba, Canada can forcefully whip around the plants leaving behind fascinating patterns.

The Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada is restricted to hiking where the winds whip across the sand dunes leaving behind various patterns. The wind has given these plants emerging from the sand dunes a ride as ...

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Canada photography and photos - Spirit Sands Trail