Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada


(There are 3 photos in this photo gallery.)

RM Segwun Steamship Gravenhurst Ontario

Take a cruise on the Muskoka Lakes in Gravenhurst, Ontario on the historic steamship known as the RM Segwun or Royal Mail Ship.

Built in 1887 and used for mail, freight and passengers this steamship named the RM Segwun has many years of history behind it. Since then, there have been a few major restorations that the steamship required and today the RM Segwun docks on the ...
Steamship Coals Ontario

A worker aboard the RM Segwun Steamship in Gravenhurst, Ontario keeps things burning as he adds more coals to the furnace.

A steamship needs lots of coals to keep things running smoothly and this worker spends many hours adding fuel to the fire aboard the R.M. Segwun in Gravenhurst, Ontario. The steamship has a long history and today it is used to take visitors on cr ...
Steamship Segwun

The Steamship Segwun cruises the waters of the Muskoka Lakes in Ontario, Canada.

Originally built in 1887 as a paddlewheeler, the Steamship Segwun was restored in the 1970's and has become the "Best Large Attraction" in Ontario, Canada. Take a cruise aboard the Steamship Segwun on a variety of different tours that take you ar ...

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Canada photography and photos - Steamship