Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada


(There are 219 photos in this photo gallery.)

Trinity Town Accommodations Bonavista Peninsula Newfoundland

The Eriksen Premises is recommended for accommodations when visiting the town of Trinity in the Bonavista Peninsula in Newfoundland, Canada.

While visiting the town of Trinity in the Bonavista Peninsula in Newfoundland, Canada, accommodations at the Eriksen Premises are highly recommended. Here you have comfortable rooms at a reasonable price with staff who are very friendly and court ...
Nathaniel Morris Heritage House Trinity Newfoundland

The Nathaniel Morris House is a registered heritage structure in the town of Trinity along the Discovery Trail in Newfoundland, Canada.

A registered heritage house in the town of Trinity in Newfoundland, Canada, the Nathaniel Morris House, was part of the social structure which built this town as people gathered here on a regular basis. It is said that the house was built in 1878 ...
Trinity Town Churches Bonavista Peninsula Newfoundland

Two churches, the Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church and St. Paul's Anglican Church in the town of Trinity in the Bonavista Peninsula in Newfoundland, Canada.

In the town of Trinity in the Bonavista Peninsula in Newfoundland, Canada you will find many historic churches, two of them being the Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church in the foreground and St. Paul's Anglican Church in the background.St. Paul's ...
Bonavista Town Buildings Newfoundland Canada

Behind the rocky banks along the coastline of Newfoundland, Canada sits the town of Bonavista and its historic buildings.

Historic buildings line the waterfront in the fishing town of Bonavista, Newfoundland in Canada where you will find old churches, houses and buildings dating back to the early 19th century. A small friendly town with some of the most famous histo ...
Horse Wagon Tours Historic Lunenburg Nova Scotia

Horse and wagon tours take visitors to Lunenburg, Nova Scotia around the most historic areas with a knowledgeable coachman.

Tourists to the historic town of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia find sightseeing easier aboard one of the horse and wagon tours. As the tour passes by heritage buildings, the coachman explains the history behind each one.The Spinnaker Inn which tours pas ...
Lunenburg Nova Scotia Fisheries Museum

The Fisheries Museum in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia is housed in a heritage building with a bright red exterior and historic signs located around the area.

A large anchor sits outside the Lunenburg Fisheries Museum in Nova Scotia, Canada which represents part of the fishing heritage of the Atlantic coast of Canada along with the rest of the museum. The exterior of the Fisheries Museum is brightly pa ...
Bluenose Golf Course Scenery Lunenburg Nova Scotia

The historic scenery of the town of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia is beautiful from many of the different holes on the Bluenose Golf Course.

Across the harbour from the historic town of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia is the Bluenose Golf Course where the scenery of the town is stunning from many of the holes. The view of the fishing village is spectacular from the clubhouse.The name of the go ...
Historic Lunenburg Harbour Nova Scotia

The lighting at sunset, brings out the beauty of the historic waterfront town of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia and the stillness of the harbour.

The waterfront in the historic town of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia glistens in the sunset lighting as a mass of boats moor along the harbour. A majority of the brightly colored buildings adorning the waterfront were built in the 17th and 18th centurie ...
Walking Tours Sign Lunenburg Town Nova Scotia

A funny walking tours sign displayed in the historic town of Lunenburg in Nova Scotia, Canada.

There are many walking tours, guided or unguided, in the town of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia where visitors can explore the heritage of this town. Guided tours begin at this funny sign which is designed with a bird and fish surrounding a fishing boat. ...
Newfoundland Lighthouse Scenery Woody Point

The scenery along the waterfront around the Woody Point Lighthouse in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada is beautiful.

Standing near the Woody Point Lighthouse in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada, you can see for miles across the horizon. The scenery is made up of mountains which adorn the backdrop, a beautiful ocean view and wildflowers and green ...
John William Roberts House Historic Property

The facade of the John William Roberts House situated on historic property in Woody Point in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada.

The John William Roberts House in Woody Point in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada has been declared as a heritage structure, including the property around it. This house was built in 1898 and is typical of the style of house const ...
Woody Point Lighthouse Wildflowers Newfoundland

Wildflowers adorn the landscape around the Woody Point Lighthouse in Woody Point in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada.

Pink wildflowers adorn the landscape along the waterfront in the town of Woody Point, Newfoundland where the old wooden lighthouse is located. The wooden lighthouse stands at a height of twenty feet and still works today to aid vessels in their t ...
Woody Point Historic Home Newfoundland Canada

A historic home in Woody Point in Newfoundland, Canada is part of the heritage which surrounds this beautiful town.

Woody Point in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada is a town full of history and beauty with approximately four hundred permanent residents. This historic home is typical of the houses in the town and most of them have plenty of prop ...
Waterfront Store Gros Morne National Park Newfoundland

The Roberts store decorates the waterfront in the town of Woody Point in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada.

The old wooden wharf and the log ramp along the waterfront of Woody Point in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada is ideal for boats to easily be hauled out of the water. Stacked on the wharf, outside the store, are crab pots ready to ...
Historic Building Exterior Woody Point Newfoundland

The exterior of a historic building along the waterfront in Woody Point in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada.

On the historic property in Woody Point in Newfoundland, Canada, the Roberts Store is easy to find as it sits along the waterfront and the exterior is brightly painted in red and white. Old wooden windows and the door add to the uniqueness of thi ...
Roberts Store Historic Building Newfoundland Canada

The red and white historic building along the coastline of Woody Point in Newfoundland, Canada is home to the Roberts store.

The Roberts Store in Woody Point in Newfoundland, Canada has been reconstructed over the years to ensure that the historic building stays in its original condition. The building has been painted white with the trim, window frames and doorway bein ...
Historic Property Roberts Store Window Woody Point

The Roberts store in Woody Point in Newfoundland, Canada is situated on historic property and the window shows how old this building is.

The historic property where the Roberts store is located in Woody Point in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada, shows its age by the window alone. This old window is divided into four sections and slides up and down to open and is ad ...
Woody Point Boats Historic Roberts Store

The historic Roberts store in Woody Point in Newfoundland, Canada is situated on the waterfront where boats can easily be hauled out.

Two fishing boats marked with their identification numbers have been pulled out of the water on the wooden ramp beside the historic Roberts store in Woody Point, Newfoundland, These boats are left here when not in use by the fishermen or visitors ...
Woody Point Coastline Lighthouse Newfoundland

Along the coastline of Woody Point in Newfoundland, Canada, the wooden lighthouse is a prominent fixture.

The clouds appear to be bringing in a storm along the coastline near the town of Woody Point in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada where the lighthouse stands. The Woody Point lighthouse was established in 1919, but the current wood ...
Tadoussac Waterfront Beach Marina Quebec

The waterfront in the town of Tadoussac, Quebec has a beautiful beach and a marina for water vessels to moor at for an evening or two.

The sandy beach in the town of Tadoussac, Quebec arcs around the waterfront where people can enjoy the sun and watch the boats arrive and depart from the marina. Many of the houses have waterfront views as the entire town only consists of about e ...
Interpretation Centre Store Tadoussac Quebec

The windows in the store at the Interpretation Centre in the town of Tadoussac in Quebec, Canada are filled with souvenirs and gifts.

The store at the Interpretation Centre in the town of Tadoussac, Quebec is easily seen when approaching this building as the windows are adorned with various items. During the summer months, the store is open to anyone looking for the special sou ...
Tadoussac Interpretation Centre Quebec Canada

An interpretation centre in the town of Tadoussac in Quebec, Canada, adorns the waterfront and is full of fascinating discoveries.

The Centre d'Interpretation des Mammiferes Marins or Interpretation Centre in the town of Tadoussac in Quebec, Canada sits along the shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The Interpretation Centre is open from the middle of May until the middle of ...
Tadoussac Town Marina Quebec Canada

The marina in the town of Tadoussac in Quebec, Canada has plenty of room for tourists to moor their boat while visiting.

Dense clouds begin to move in over the town of Tadoussac in Quebec, Canada with the threat of a storm which will leave the boats docked at the marina for the night. Plenty of open space is available for those who stop at the marina as they can ti ...
Tadoussac Town St Lawrence Gulf Quebec

Beautiful homes decorate the town of Tadoussac along the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Quebec, Canada.

The quaint town of Tadoussac situated along Route des Baleines along the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Quebec, Canada, is a historic place which brings in many tourists yearly. Here you can admire the beautiful houses with front yards adorned with plan ...
Costumed Musician Sherbrooke Village Museum

A costumed woman is a musician in the historic Sherbrooke Village Museum in Nova Scotia, Canada who entertains the visitors.

A woman costumed in time appropriate clothing wanders the Main Road in the Sherbrooke Village Museum in Nova Scotia, Canada with her guitar in hand. This musician can be found around the village, playing her songs for all the tourists.A musician ...
Costumed Interpreters Sherbrooke Village Museum

Costumed interpreters chat outside one of the historic houses in the Sherbrooke Village Museum in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Outside one of the houses in the Sherbrooke Village Museum in Nova Scotia, Canada, costumed interpreters are available to inform visitors of their ways of life. The village dates back to the 1860's to pre-WW1 where there are about eighty building ...
Jail Barred Windows Sherbrooke Village Museum

The barred windows displayed at the jail in the Sherbrooke Village Museum in Nova Scotia, Canada.

The jail at the Sherbrooke Village Museum in Nova Scotia, was built back in 1862 and the barred windows ensured that prisoners would not escape. There were cells upstairs for the women and three cells downstairs which housed the men and every jai ...
Printing Shop Sherbrooke Village Museum Nova Scotia

An interpreter who works at the Sherbrooke Village Museum in Nova Scotia, Canada shows visitors how the press in the printing shop operates.

Dating back to the 1860's, the printing shop at the Sherbrooke Village Museum in Nova Scotia, Canada displays some historic printing equipment. An interpreter who works for the village museum explains to tourists visiting how the presses work and ...
Blacksmith Shop Demonstration Sherbrooke Village

A blacksmith in his shop shows visitors to the Sherbrooke Village Museum in Nova Scotia, Canada a demonstration of his work.

A blacksmith works hard in his shop as he gives tourists to Sherbrooke Village Museum in Nova Scotia, Canada, a demonstration of his daily work. The blacksmith makes ironwork for the restoration of the Sherbrooke Village and pieces can be bought ...
Commercial Fishing Crab Pots Conche Newfoundland

Commercial fishing boats have stacks of crab pots loaded on board in Conche Harbour in Newfoundland, Canada.

Visitors to Conche Harbour in Newfoundland, Canada can watch the pack ice melt and explore all the commercial fishing boats who have stacks of crab pots on board. These crab pots are used on a daily basis once the fishing boats can leave the harb ...
Loaded Fishing Boats Conche Harbour Newfoundland

Loaded with crab pots, the fishing boats docked in Conche Harbour in Newfoundland, Canada wait patiently to begin their daily life.

The fishing boats in the harbour of Conche in Newfoundland, Canada are all fully loaded with crab pots and ready for departure once the harbour is free of pack ice which lingers for a while in late Spring and early Summer. While the harbour is bl ...
Fishing Town Pack Ice Newfoundland Canada

The small fishing town of Conche in Newfoundland, Canada has their harbour filled yearly with the pack ice which has broken away from the larger icebergs.

The harbour off the fishing town of Conche in Newfoundland, Canada is fairly deep making it easy for the pack ice to find the perfect resting area where it will slowly disintegrate as the days get warmer. During late Spring and early Summer, many ...
Fishing Boat Crab Pots Conche Harbour Newfoundland

Stacks of crab pots are loaded on a fishing boat which is docked along the shores of Conche Harbour on the Great Northern Peninsula in Newfoundland, Canada.

A fishing boat named "Bromley's Venture" docked in Conche Harbour in Newfoundland, Canada is ready for its daily trip into the waters to catch as many crabs as they can. Crab fishing is a way of life for many of the local residents who reside in ...
Fishing Stage Weathervane Newfoundland Harbour

A weathervane decorates a fishing stage in Conche Harbour along the French Shore on the Great Northern Peninsula in Newfoundland, Canada.

A weathervane is an extremely helpful tool for the fishermen who come and go daily from Conche Harbour in Newfoundland, Canada. All the fishermen check the direction the wind is blowing to see what the waters off the town of Conche will be like w ...
Atlantic Salmon Monument Campbellton New Brunswick

In the center of the town of Campbellton, New Brunswick a large Atlantic Salmon monument is displayed in the fountain.

An Atlantic Salmon named Restigouche Sam symbolizes what the town of Campbellton, New Brunswick means to the many fisherman who visit this town for the great fishing. This monument stands in the fountain at a height of 8.5 meters as Campbellton i ...
River Bank Statues Campellton New Brunswick

Statues of a fisherman and an Atlantic Salmon along the river bank in Campbellton, New Brunswick overlook the Restigouche River.

When visitors stroll along the river bank in the town of Campellton, New Brunswick, they can admire the statues of a fisherman and a large Atlantic Salmon. A fisherman has cast his line and caught a large Atlantic Salmon which is what many fisher ...
Fisherman Salmon Statue New Brunswick River

A fisherman and an Atlantic Salmon statue displayed along the river bank in Restigouche, New Brunswick with the J.C. Van Horne Bridge as a backdrop.

Fishing for Atlantic Salmon is spectacular in the Restigouche River in New Brunswick, Canada and a statue of a fisherman and a salmon beautify the banks of the river. In the background, the J.C. Van Horne Bridge crosses over the river under the ...
Atlantic Salmon Waterfront Statue Campbellton New Brunswick

The giant Atlantic Salmon statue adorns the waterfront of the Restigouche River in Campbellton, New Brunswick in Canada.

A sunny day on the waterfront of the Restigouche River in Campbellton, New Brunswick highlights the J.C. Van Horne Bridge and the Atlantic Salmon statue. The Atlantic Salmon has been named Restigouche Sam which stands at 8.5 meters high overlooki ...
Waterfront Statue Restigouche River New Brunswick

A large Atlantic Salmon statue adorns the waterfront of the Restigouche River in the town of Campbellton in New Brunswick, Canada.

In the center of a fountain an Atlantic Salmon statue dorns the waterfront of the Restigouche River in New Brunswick, Canada. The J.C. Van Horne Bridge spans the river which is a major transportation route for the residents of New Brunswick.Monum ...
Historic Drug Store Sherbrooke Village Museum Nova Scotia

A man in costume sits below the sign for the Sherbrooke Drug Store in the historic Sherbrooke Village Museum in Nova Scotia, Canada.

An interpreter who works at the historic Sherbrooke Village Museum in Nova Scotia, Canada relaxes outside the Sherbrooke Drug Store which dates back to the 1880's. The building has only needed a few restorations since then and inside the drug sto ...

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Canada photography and photos - Towns