Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada

Water Rose

(There are 4 photos in this photo gallery.)

Yellow Water Roses Pond Ontario

Beautiful yellow water roses bask in the sunlight amongst their deep green colored leaves on a pond in Ontario, Canada.

Pale yellow water roses arise out of the greenery from their long stalks giving frogs and other pond creatures a chance to shelter themselves in Ontario, Canada. Sunlight is the main ingredient that water roses need in order to grow and blossom a ...
White Water Lily

Across Canada, one very rarely stops to admire how beautiful a water lily can be as the white petals that sit atop the green leaves encompass the yellow center.

A water lily is in full blossom as the white outer petals surround the yellow center on a lake in Canada, North America. Sun is the key to a lake full of water lilies as this is the main factor to making a water lily survive. While travelling acr ...
Yellow Water Lilies

Yellow water lilies in full bloom beautify the shores of a lake in Ontario, Canada.

Lots of sunshine makes these yellow water lilies blossom and adorn a lake in Ontario, Canada as sunlight is how these plants receive food and energy to grow. Water lilies can reproduce very quickly but due to the fact that wetlands are starting t ...
Water Lily

A water lily of yellow and white colors adorns a pond in Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada.

This flower known as a water lily is one of seventy different types and are usually found flourishing on lakes, ponds and bogs. Sun is a necessity in the growth of a water lily as it provides food and energy to the plant which in turn makes the w ...

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Canada photography and photos - Water Rose