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Lighthouse Point Fortress Of Louisbourg Cape Breton Nova Scotia

From Lighthouse Point in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, the scenery across the harbour highlights the historic national site of the Fortress of Louisbourg.

On a beautiful day, the sun sparkles off the surface of the water in Louisbourg Harbour as the historic Fortress of Louisbourg decorates the landscape as seen from Lighthouse Point in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. This 18th century French fortified town is the largest reconstructed fortress in North America and visitors to the attraction can see how people from a different time period lived and worked.

This town and settlement along the shore of the harbour started being built in 1719 becoming a thriving community. On the eve of the first attack on the fortress in 1745, the completion of its construction was done.

Lighthouse Point was part of the decisive role in the sieges on the Fortress of Louisbourg. Once captured, Lighthouse Point provided a reliable gun battery place to attack the fortress. The harbour was filled with warships which possessed over 500 hundred guns and 3,000 seamen.

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Lighthouse Point Fortress Of Louisbourg Cape Breton Nova Scotia
Photo: Lighthouse Point Fortress Of Louisbourg Cape Breton Nova Scotia
Picture of the Fortress of Louisbourg as seen from across the harbour at Lighthouse Point in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia in Canada.


Today, the scenery from Lighthouse Point in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, allows visitors to view the Fortress of Louisbourg and lets them imagine what it was like living back in the 18th century.

Looking across the Louisbourg Harbour towards the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site from near the Louisbourg Light, Lighthouse Point, Louisbourg, Highway 22, Fleur de lis Trail, Marconi Trail, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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Canada photography and photos - Lighthouse Point Fortress Of Louisbourg Cape Breton Nova Scotia