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Melville Lake Labrador aerial picture

An aerial view of the coastline along Lake Melville which is not a true lake but instead a tidal extension of Hamilton Inlet in Southern Labrador, Canada.

Surrounded by the mountains adorned with lush greenery and the scenic coastline of Southern Labrador in Newfoundland Labrador, Canada is where you will find Lake Melville. It is not a lake at all but instead it is an extended piece of Hamilton Inlet that was named after a British politician. Many of the communities are not accessible by car and a ferry service runs on both Lake Melville and Hamilton Inlet so that people can get back on forth to the mainland.

Lake Melville (not actually a lake but an inlet of salt water) of Southern Labrador, Labrador, Newfoundland Labrador, Canada.

Melville Lake Labrador aerial picture
Photo: Melville Lake Labrador aerial picture
Aerial of Lake Melville which is actually an inlet of salt water in Southern Labrador in Newfoundland Labrador, Canada.

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Melville Lake Labrador aerial picture Photo & Travel Destination

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Canada photography and photos - Melville Lake Labrador aerial picture