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Minas Basin Low Tide Scenery Nova Scotia Canada

At low tide on a clear day, the scenery of the Minas Basin from the Walton Lighthouse in Nova Scotia, Canada is spectacular.

When the tide is at its lowest point, the Minas Basin in Nova Scotia, Canada becomes scattered with seaweed, rocks, sand flats and intertidal mud leaving behind small channels of waterways. Low tide on a summer day is one of the best times to view the scenery where the tops of the cliffs flourish in lush greenery and the horizon seems endless.

Around or in the Walton Lighthouse in Nova Scotia, Canada, visitors can enjoy the scenery of the Minas Basin and have a closer look at the distinct patterns of the water meandering around the sand flats. The Minas Basin is an inlet in the Bay of Fundy where various species of wildlife reside.

The Minas Basin near the Walton Lighthouse is fenced off so that visitors do not destroy this section of Nova Scotia which is important to preserve. ... continue below the picture...

Minas Basin Low Tide Scenery Nova Scotia Canada
Photo: Minas Basin Low Tide Scenery Nova Scotia Canada
Picture of the scenery of the Minas Basin in Nova Scotia, Canada at low tide as seen from the Walton Lighthouse.

... A fascinating place to stop while traveling along the Fundy Shore Ecotour in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Low tide in the Minas Basin seen from the Walton Lighthouse, in the town of Walton, Highway 215, Fundy Shore Ecotour, Glooscap Trail, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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Canada photography and photos - Minas Basin Low Tide Scenery Nova Scotia Canada