Along the coastal shores of the Pacific Ocean in Southern Labrador, Canada, lies the small fishing town of Red Bay, once home to a Basque whaling station in the 16th century. From the Boney Shore Trail along the Labrador Coastal Drive, the buildings and homes in the town of Red Bay all sit near the water's edge and everyone in town is lucky enough to have an ocean view.
The population of Red Bay is about 260 and visitors can enjoy the peacefulness of this friendly community and stroll along the historic boardwalks and various trails. The Boney Shore Trail extends for 1 kilometer and is the same route which the Basque whalers used nearly 500 years ago.
Town of Red Bay seen from the Boney Shore Trail, Red Bay, Labrador Coastal Drive, Highway 510, Viking Trail, Trails to the Vikings, Strait of Belle Isle, Southern Labrador, Labrador, Atlantic Canada, Canada.