Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada

Hiking Pictures

(There are 21 photos in this photo gallery.)

Spirit Sands Trail Sand Dune Patterns Manitoba Canada

Unique patterns across the sand dunes found along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada are formed from the gusty winds which sweep through the area.

While hiking along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada, one can see the different patterns across the surface of each sand dune. The winds can blow hard across the sand dunes moving the sand around constantl ...
Spirit Sands Trail Pink Flowers Spruce Woods Provincial Park

The log steps provide an ideal location for the pretty pink flowers to blossom along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba.

A steep set of log steps make their way up the sandy slope creating an easier route for hikers on the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada. Along the steps, pretty pink flowers blossom in the sun as they prefer t ...
Tracey Hill Walking Trail Boardwalk Red Bay Labrador

The sun glows down upon the boardwalk and stairs at the beginning of the Tracey Hill Walking Trail in Red Bay, Southern Labrador in Canada.

At the start of the Tracey Hill Walking Trail in the town of Red Bay, Southern Labrador, a boardwalk and the first of 689 steps lead the way. The climb up the stairs will reach the final destination point at the top of Tracey Hill where the scene ...
Summer Sun Halo Spirt Sands Trail Manitoba

A halo forms around the sun which shines down upon the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada during the summer.

While hiking across the sand dunes on the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada during the summer months, some will find the blazing heat from the sun to be unbearable. Hikers should be fully prepared on hot summe ...
Plant Patterns Sand Dunes Spirit Sands Trail Manitoba

The strong winds which pass across the sand dunes along the Spirit Sands Trail in Manitoba, Canada can forcefully whip around the plants leaving behind fascinating patterns.

The Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada is restricted to hiking where the winds whip across the sand dunes leaving behind various patterns. The wind has given these plants emerging from the sand dunes a ride as ...
Spirit Sands Trail Sign Spruce Woods Provincial Park Manitoba

An interpretative sign helps visitors to the area to understand the importance and beauty along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada.

An interpretative sign while hiking along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada is always a welcoming sight. Each sign along the trail describes the land and the life which grows in the area with some providin ...
Spirit Sands Hardy Wildlflower Spruce Woods Provincial Park

Dotted across the sand dunes in the Spirit Sands in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, are wildflowers which thrive. They are extremely hardy except on those days when the sun is unbearable or when the sand is being whipped around.

Scattered across the sand dunes in Spirit Sands in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada, bright pinkish/red wildflowers emerge from beneath the sand in the warmer months. These wildflowers are extremely hardy and can take a fair amoun ...
Assiniboine River Spirit Sands Spruce Woods Provincial Park

From the trail to Devils Punch Bowl, one can see how the Assiniboine River surrounds small patches of green islands on its way through Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada.

From the trail to the Devils Punch Bowl in Spirit Sands in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, the scenery of the Assiniboine River is beautiful as it winds its way through the landscape. The river is 655 miles long and spans the prairie la ...
Hiking Trail Stairs Spirits Sand Manitoba Canada

Along the hiking trail in the Spirit Sands in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada, a long set of wooden stairs takes hikers to the next leg of the journey.

Each hiking trail in the Spirit Sands in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada, consists of a different level of climbing with various slopes to them. The steepest slopes have wooden stairs which aids visitors to climb easier and saves ...
Devils Punch Bowl Scenery Spruce Woods Provincial Park Manitoba

The scenery around the Devils Punch Bowl in the Spirits Sands in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada is made up of miles of lush, green wilderness.

Hiking trails throughout Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada takes visitors to the wilderness of the desert landscape where sand dunes, cacti and the Devils Punch Bowl are found amongst the widespread forest. The pond in the center o ...
Reesor Lake Viewpoint Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park Alberta

At a viewpoint, people can look out over the beautiful landscape of Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park and Reesor Lake in Alberta, Canada.

While hiking throughout Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park in Alberta, Canada, there are some spectacular viewpoints where you can appreciate the scenery of the region and admire the layout of the land. From the Reesor Lake viewpoint, visitors overlook ...
Elkwater Lake Hiking Scenery Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park

Hiking through Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park in Alberta, Canada, one will find the scenery of Elkwater Lake beautiful from Old Baldy viewpoint in the town of Elkwater.

From a viewpoint in the town of Elkwater in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park in Alberta, Canada, visitors can look out over the scenery of Elkwater Lake. Due to the fact that Elkwater is located in a provincial park, a small population of a little ...
Hoodoos Landscape Banff National Park

The Hoodoos adorn the landscape of Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada as a river below works its way around the forested wilderness.

The Hoodoos that adorn the landscape in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada are columns of rocks that have been brutalized by the different climates along the Milk River. The Hoodoos are extremely interesting to see and from this viewpoint, you ...
Dickson Falls Fundy National Park New Brunswick

The sun shines off the cascading water of the Dickson Falls in Fundy National Park in Chignecto Bay in Albert, New Brunswick.

At Dickson Falls in Fundy National Park in New Brunswick, Canada, tiers of water cascade over the rock ledges as the sun glistens off the greenery. Hiking trails to get to Dickson Falls are fairly easy as there is a boardwalk with some great view ...
Whales Bones Red Bay Southern Labrador

Across the harbour from Red Bay in Southern Labrador, Canada there are a variety of whale bones dispersed along the beach.

After hiking along the Boney Shore Trail, you will eventually end up on the beach where you will find whales bones from Bowhead and Right Whales that were hunted many years ago. This unique beach along the Labrador Coastal Drive sits across the h ...
Hoodoo Trails Writing On Stone Park

A close up picture of the unique sandstone formations on the Hoodoo Trails in Writing on Stone Provincial Park in Southern Alberta.

When hiking on the trails in Writing on Stone Provincial Park in Southern Alberta, Canada you will find many interesting sights but the most fascinating is the Hoodoos. A hoodoo is made up of sandstone that has been worn away over the years by ra ...
Writing On Stone Hoodoos Southern Alberta

A trip to Writing on Stone Provincial Park in Southern Alberta gives you a chance to view the Hoodoos and the etchings on these rocks.

Fascinating columns of rocks known as the Hoodoos have held their own through many different weather systems in Writing on Stone Provincial Park in Southern Alberta, Canada. Along the Milk River in this park you can wander through the Hoodoos Int ...
Inukshuk Gros Morne National Park

An inukshuk sits upon a steep hill above the Tablelands Trail in Gros Morne National Park on the Great Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland Labrador, Canada.

There are many different trails to hike in Gros Morne National Park in Western Newfoundland and above the Tablelands Trail, atop a hill, sat an inukshuk. These fascinating rock creations are made with great care and are the perfect way to pass some time away and enjo ...
Hoodoo Southern Alberta

A close up picture of a hoodoo that is a unique rock formation found along the Hoodoos Interpretative Trail in Writing on Stone Provincial Park in Southern Alberta, Canada.

This fascinating rock formation known as a Hoodoo has been created over 15,000 years and is made up of sandstone layers with a top that is called a caprock. The tops protect the sandstone layers from eroding away. As you venture along the Hoodoo ...
Iceberg Watching Tourist Newfoundland

Iceberg Watching is a very impressive experience, Newfoundland, Canada, North America, Model Released.

Getting close to the icebergs by hiking: Watching the huge white giants in Newfoundland, Canada, North America. Model Released. Please check out our photo gallery for all our Newfoundland icebergs.
Hiking Gros Morne

A wonderful destination for hiking are the Table Lands of Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada.

Hikers exploring the Table Lands of Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada.

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Canada photography and photos - Hiking Pictures