Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada

Coastal Pictures

(There are 135 photos in this photo gallery.)

Rocky Coastline Sandwich Bay Cartwright Southern Labrador

The rocky coastline at Sandwich Bay creates a picturesque scene for the people residing or visiting the town of Cartwright in Southern Labrador, Canada.

The water edges away from the rocky coastline at Sandwich Bay in the town of Cartwright in Southern Labrador, Canada, baring the large boulders which scatter themselves along the shore. At low tide, in the shallow waters, the brown and gold hues ...
Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park Rock Formations New Brunswick

The changing rock formations of Hopewell Rocks at low tide along the coastal shores of Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park in New Brunswick, Canada.

As the tide recedes at Shepody Bay in Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park in New Brunswick, Canada, the beach and rock formations of the Hopewell Rocks are easy to access. At high tide, the beach in this area of Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park is close ...
Great Caribou Island Grounded Iceberg Southern Labrador

Traveling for many days and miles, the journey for this iceberg comes to a halt after being grounded along the coast of Great Caribou Island in Southern Labrador.

As the fog lingers near the St. Lewis Strait, an iceberg has found itself grounded along the coast of Great Caribou Island in Southern Labrador. It will slowly begin to disintegrate until completely disappearing after traveling many miles when it ...
Historic Cod Fishery Buildings Battle Harbour Southern Labrador

The historic buildings which have been reconditioned and a fish drying flake used at the cod fishery on Battle Harbour in Southern Labrador dating back to 1770.

Fog has settled in around Battle Harbour on Battle Island in Southern Labrador making things hard to see from the water but the historic buildings and fish drying flake are clearly visible when on land.Battle Harbour has been restored over the ye ...
Perce Rock Coastal Sunset Gaspesie Peninsula Quebec

The coastal shores along the Gaspesie Peninsula in Quebec, Canada where Perce Rock and the town of Perce are located, are highlighted in the pink hues at sunset.

The town of Perce in Quebec, Canada is a small village located on the tip of the Gaspesie Peninsula with the well known Perce Rock sitting just off the coastal shore. This coastal area is very scenic on a daily basis, but during the sunset hours ...
Coastal Scenery Cape D Or Lighthouse Sunset Nova Scotia

Visitors to the Cape d'Or Lighthouse which overlooks the coastal waters of the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada, can enjoy the picturesque scenery as the sunset hues span across the horizon.

The sunset lighting glistens off the Cape d'Or Lighthouse which sits atop the rugged cliff overlooking the beautiful coastal scenery of the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada. In 1922, the first lighthouse was erected here, but the one which wat ...
Brigus Fishing Town Avalon Peninsula Newfoundland

Houses and businesses line the waterfront in the town of Brigus in the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland, Canada.

A small ancient fishing town known as Brigus, tucks itself away along the coastline of the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland, Canada. The town was discovered in the 1700's and narrow roads wind their way around the historic buildings and the small ...
Cape D Or Coastline Sunset Nova Scotia Canada

A calming sunset shimmering off the dramatic coastline of the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada as seen from the Cape d'Or Lighthouse.

From the Cape d'Or Lighthouse in Nova Scotia, Canada, one can enjoy the scenery of the rugged coastline where cliffs rise above the water's edge as small rocks decorate the beach. The soft hues at sunset highlight the coastline and shimmer off the ...
Cape D Or Lighthouse Scenery Minas Channel Nova Scotia

Atop the cliff, stands the Cape d'Or Lighthouse looking out over the beautiful scenery of the Minas Channel in the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada.

On the peak of a rock jetty overlooking the Minas Channel in the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada, stands the Cape d'Or Lighthouse. Since 1922, there has been a lighthouse on this cliff watching over the vessels traveling the waters where the ...
Brigus Town Avalon Peninsula Newfoundland Labrador Canada

Nestled away amongst the rolling landscape of the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland Labrador, Canada, sits the small town of Brigus.

Fluffy, white clouds float over the hills where the ancient fishing town of Brigus on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland Labrador is situated. Fishing boats docked along the coastal shores of the town are used daily as a majority of the residen ...
Waterfront Properties Lake Superior Thunder Bay Ontario

An aerial view of the foot like piece of land extending into Lake Superior near Thunder Bay, Ontario where beautiful waterfront properties are located.

The land around the coastal shores of Lake Superior near Thunder Bay, Ontario stretches out into the lake where residential properties sit along the waterfront. Each of these properties have a beautiful view, their own beach and boat ramps which allows people to fully enj ...
Lake Superior Luxury Boat Thunder Bay Ontario

While flying overhead, a luxury boat anchors in a protected bay on Lake Superior near Thunder Bay, Ontario in Canada.

A tranquil and calm bay along the shores of one of the islands is where a luxury boat decided to anchor for a short time to enjoy the serenity of Lake Superior. A small beach runs the coastline of this island where passengers aboard this boat cou ...
Carter Island Lighthouse Lockeport Nova Scotia

Surrounded by the wide open waters, the Carter Island Lighthouse near the town of Lockeport, Nova Scotia aids vessels in their journeys.

Alone on an island off the town of Lockeport, Nova Scotia stands the Carter Island Lighthouse which was first established here in 1872. In 1930, the lighthouse was replaced and in 1989 the light was changed to a fiberglass lantern.The circular to ...
Cape Forchu Lighthouse Yarmouth Harbour Nova Scotia

On a scenic rock jetty, the Cape Forchu Lighthouse in Nova Scotia, Canada watches over Yarmouth Harbour and the surrounding waters for 30 nautical miles.

The red and white lighthouse at Cape Forchu overlooks the sea at Yarmouth Harbour in Nova Scotia, Canada which was the second tower to be erected in this location. This lighthouse was built in the early 1960's, but the original one stood along th ...
Louisbourg Light Coastal Shore Cape Breton Nova Scotia

Towering above the coastal shore along the Macaroni Trail in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, the Louisbourg Light marks the way for passing water vessels.

Along the coastal shore at the entrance to Louisbourg Harbour in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia stands the first lighthouse erected in Canada. The light was first illuminated in 1734 spanning a distance of 18 miles.A supply of codfish oil was used to m ...
Battle Harbour Shopping General Store Labrador

Shopping at Battle Harbour is very limited on this historic island in Southern Labrador, but the General Store carries what is needed.

The fog has settled in over the historic fishing village of Battle Harbour in Southern Labrador, Canada and through its thickness, the lights from the General Store send out a golden glow. The General Store is the only building on the island wher ...
Battle Harbour Scenery From Ferry Southern Labrador

The scenery of Battle Harbour in Southern Labrador, Canada shows its history as you enter the St. Lewis Inlet by the foot passenger ferry.

As you cross the ocean by the foot passenger ferry and enter St. Lewis Inlet in Southern Labrador, Canada the scenery of Battle Harbour comes to light. The fog has not totally swamped Battle Island and the once lively community fishing village do ...
Battle Harbour Buildings Battle Island Southern Labrador

Historic buildings and an old fishing boat adorn the landscape of Battle Island at Battle Harbour in Southern Labrador, Canada.

As the fog encompasses Battle Island, the historic buildings built on the sloping hills and an old fishing boat decorate the landscape. The fishing boat was used by fishermen back in the early 18th century when the cod fishery was operating.Some ...
Historic Fishing Stage Battle Harbour Southern Labrador

A very old fishing stage located in the historic fishing village of Battle Harbour on Battle Island in Southern Labrador.

With boards and windows barely intact, an old fishing stage sits along the waterfront of the historic fishing village of Battle Harbour in Southern Labrador, Canada. This fishing stage has seen many long and stormy days off the Labrador coastline ...
Battle Harbour Fishing Stages Southern Labrador

Historic fishing stages line the shore at Battle Harbour at the entrance to St. Lewis Inlet in Southern Labrador, Canada.

The historic fishing village of Battle Harbour is located at the entrance to the St. Lewis Inlet in Southern Labrador and as you tour the island, old fishing stages line the waterfront. Some of the fishing stages are barely standing as Battle Har ...
Swallowtail Lighthouse Grand Manan New Brunswick

On the rocky outcrop, the Swallowtail Lighthouse on Grand Manan Island in New Brunswick, Canada watches over the waters to keep water vessels safe.

Every 6 seconds, the light from the Swallowtail Lighthouse on Grand Manan Island in New Brunswick, Canada flashes and can be seen for 12 nautical miles. Surrounded by the rocky coastline, the lighthouse has adorned this peninsula since 1860.The b ...
Long Eddy Point Lighthouse Grand Manan New Brunswick

A unique square building with a beacon on top is home to the Long Eddy Point Lighthouse in Grand Manan in New Brunswick, Canada.

The waters in the Bay of Fundy swirl below the Long Eddy Point Lighthouse, also known as The Whistle, which stands on the cliff in Grand Manan, New Brunswick in Canada. Dating back to 1874, this square lighthouse building required restorations in ...
Fundy Coastal Drive Lighthouse Cape Enrage New Brunswick

Along the Fundy Coastal Drive in Cape Enrage, visitors can view the oldest lighthouse in New Brunswick which overlooks the water of Chignecto Bay.

Atop a cliff overlooking the Chignecto Bay along the Fundy Coastal Drive in New Brunswick, Canada, the Cape Enrage Lighthouse keeps the waters safe for passing vessels. Standing at a height of 150 feet above the water, visitors can enjoy the scen ...
St Anthony Lighthouse Scenery Newfoundland Canada

A Canada flag blows in the breeze near the rectangular red and white lighthouse building overlooking the scenery of St. Anthony Harbour in Newfoundland.

A large beacon which flashes every fifteen seconds, sits atop the red and white lighthouse in St. Anthony Harbour at Fishing Point Park in Newfoundland, Canada. A Canada flag blows in the breeze which water vessels can see as they pass by the har ...
Atlantic Puffin Profile Bird Island Newfoundland

A profile of an Atlantic Puffin as it stands on the moss covered rock on Bird Island overlooking Bonavista Bay in Newfoundland, Canada.

A profile picture of this Atlantic Puffin standing on Bird Island in Newfoundland, Canada allows us to see the width of the bright orange bill and its cute matching colored feet. During the winter months, the bill on the Atlantic Puffin will chan ...
Cute Atlantic Puffin Picture Newfoundland Labrador

A cute close up picture taken of an Atlantic Puffin as it rests on the sharp rocks on Bird Island in Newfoundland Labrador in Canada.

A cute Atlantic Puffin sits peacefully atop Bird Island overlooking Bonavista Bay in Newfoundland Labrador, Canada giving us an excellent opportunity to capture its picture. The large triangular bill is bright orange during breeding season with y ...
Adult Atlantic Puffin Bird Island Colony

An adult Atlantic Puffin prepares to take flight from the rocks atop Bird Island in Newfoundland, Canada leaving its colony for a short period of time.

With a wingspan between fifty and sixty centimeters, this adult Atlantic Puffin will take to the water for a feeding session and leave his mate with the rest of the colony for a short time. With his wings spread, the white plumage and gray colori ...
Atlantic Puffin Colony Bird Island Newfoundland

A colony of Atlantic Puffin return to Bird Island just off the shore from Cape Bonavista Lighthouse in Newfoundland, Canada every year.

The rugged rocks of Bird Island in Newfoundland, Canada is where this colony of Atlantic Puffin reside during the breeding season. The males will clear out the area where they will make their nest which they sometimes blanket with grass, feathers ...
Atlantic Puffin Mates Bird Island Newfoundland

Atlantic Puffin mates are what brings these cute birds back to the nesting grounds on Bird Island in Newfoundland, Canada every year.

As a pair of Atlantic Puffins stand together appearing as mates while looking out over the waters of Bonavista Bay in Newfoundland, Canada from Bird Island, two others seem to be checking each other out. If an Atlantic Puffin has to defend its ne ...
Atlantic Puffin Flight Newfoundland Canada

Two Atlantic Puffins watch as one of their companions opens its wing with hopes of taking flight from Bird Island in Newfoundland, Canada.

As this Atlantic Puffin puffs up his feathers and spreads his wings atop Bird Island in Bonavista Bay in Newfoundland, Canada, it appears as if he is ready for flight. Atlantic Puffins are extremely poor fliers as they must flap their wings betwe ...
Newfoundland Atlantic Puffins Bird Island

Two Atlantic Puffins are at a standstill as they chat amongst themselves atop Bird Island in Bonavista Bay in Newfoundland, Canada.

These two Atlantic Puffins who return to Bird Island in Bonavista Bay in Newfoundland, Canada, appear to be fond of each other as they have probably been with each other for many years when they return to the colony to breed. Atlantic Puffins are ...
Bonavista Bay Atlantic Puffins Newfoundland Canada

Standing proud above Bonavista Bay in Newfoundland, Canada, three Atlantic Puffins find pleasure at Bird Island during breeding season.

Three Atlantic Puffins stand proudly atop Bird Island in Bonavista Bay in Newfoundland, Canada where they come for about four or five months every year to breed. These Atlantic Puffins return to Bird Island around the middle of April and spend mo ...
Atlantic Puffins Nesting Grounds Bird Island Newfoundland

The nesting grounds on Bird Island in Newfoundland, Canada is where this colony of Atlantic Puffins can be seen every year during breeding season.

One of the Atlantic Puffins standing atop the rock on Bird Island in Bonavista Bay in Newfoundland, Canada has a lot to say to his companions as he squawks out orders regarding their nesting grounds. The rest of the Atlantic Puffins do not appear ...
Beach Spawning Capelin Newfoundland Labrador

The beach at Admiral's Point in Trinity Bay in Newfoundland Labrador finds the yearly return of the Capelin during the summer months for spawning.

After the yearly spawning months at Admiral's Point in Newfoundand Labrador, the surviving Capelin will move off the beach and back into the deeper water. The Capelin eggs remain on the sand and gravel for about fifteen to twenty days where they ...
Capelin Spawning Season Newfoundland Labrador

Another year has passed and the Capelin return during spawning season to the shallow waters along the beach at Admiral's Point in Newfoundland Labrador.

After the Capelin have finished spawning and another season comes to an end along the beach at Admiral's Point in Trinity Bay in Newfoundland Labrador, many of the fish are left for the predators. A majority of the male Capelin will die after spa ...
Newfoundland Spawning Capelin Trinity Bay

After these Capelin have finished spawning on the beach at Admiral's Point in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, only a few of the fish will survive.

The summer months around the shores of Admiral's Point in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland is a very important time in the life cycle of a Capelin. Here the fish love the small pebbles for spawning which will usually take place when the sky is dull and ...
Silver Capelin Fish Picture Newfoundland Canada

Silver colored Capelin fish blanket the shores at Admiral's Point in Trinity Bay in Newfoundland, Canada.

These silver scaled fish called Capelin, reside in the waters from Hudson Bay to Nova Scotia with an enormous amount found around Newfoundland and Labrador. During June and July, the Capelin use the beach at Admiral's Point in Trinity Bay as thei ...
Newfoundland Admirals Point Beach Spawning Fish

The waves lap up onto the beach at Admiral's Point in Newfoundland, Canada where small fish called Capelin come to spawn every summer.

As the waves break along the shoreline at Admiral's Point in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, Capelin are left behind where they will spawn. These small fish come ashore every June and July for spawning and families who come to explore this beach are a ...
Beached Fish Trinity Bay Newfoundland Labrador

Beached fish blanket the shores at Admiral's Point in Trinity Bay in Newfoundland Labrador during June and July when they are spawning.

Millions of Capelin find themselves beached at Admiral's Point in Trinity Bay in Newfoundland Labrador as spawning season nears. The coastline is blanketed with the fish as their silver bodies glisten in the sunlight which also attracts many bird ...
Newfoundland Lighthouse Scenery Woody Point

The scenery along the waterfront around the Woody Point Lighthouse in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada is beautiful.

Standing near the Woody Point Lighthouse in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada, you can see for miles across the horizon. The scenery is made up of mountains which adorn the backdrop, a beautiful ocean view and wildflowers and green ...

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Canada photography and photos - Coastal Pictures