Alone on an island off the town of Lockeport, Nova Scotia stands the Carter Island Lighthouse which was first established here in 1872. In 1930, the lighthouse was replaced and in 1989 the light was changed to a fiberglass lantern.
The circular tower of the lighthouse reaches 30 feet high with a building beside it which was once the residence of the lightkeeper. The weather on Carter Island can be extremely cold and windy during storms and throughout the winter months.
The only way to reach this lighthouse is by boat, but one must be wary of the rugged shoreline where the waves crash up against the island. For tourists trying to capture a picture of the Carter Island Lighthouse, there are some excellent viewing areas along the shore in the town of Lockeport.
... continue below the picture...Carter Island Lighthouse in the town of Lockeport along the Lighthouse Route, Highway 3, Nova Scotia, Canada.