Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada

Sand Dune Pictures

(There are 11 photos in this photo gallery.)

Spirit Sands Tourist Spruce Woods Provincial Park Manitoba

A tourist climbs a hill along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada. This provincial park is situated 10 kilometres northeast of Glenboro.

It would be easy to mistake the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park for a desert, however due to the 300-500ml of moisture received each year it is too moist to be considered a desert. This high level of rainfall enables various plants ...
Great Sand Hills Sand Dunes Saskatchewan

The endless sand dunes at the Great Sand Hills is near the town of Sceptre, Saskatchewan, Canada.

The sand dunes seem endless at the Great Sand Hills. The Great Sand Hills is 1900 square kilometers of sand dunes and plains. The sand dunes meet up to the grassy plains. A blue sky sits in the distance of the sand dunes. Sand dunes at the Gre ...
Spirit Sands Trail Sand Dune Patterns Manitoba Canada

Unique patterns across the sand dunes found along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada are formed from the gusty winds which sweep through the area.

While hiking along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada, one can see the different patterns across the surface of each sand dune. The winds can blow hard across the sand dunes moving the sand around constantl ...
Great Sand Hills Patterns Sceptre Saskatchewan Canada

Encompassed by greenery, the sand dunes at the Great Sand Hills near Sceptre, Saskatchewan in Canada show off their patterns created from the changing wind.

The sand dunes at the Great Sand Hills near Sceptre, Saskatchewan show off their unique patterns which are constantly change with the wind that sweeps across the landscape. Surrounded by lush greenery, some of the sand dunes can be approximately ...
Summer Sun Halo Spirt Sands Trail Manitoba

A halo forms around the sun which shines down upon the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada during the summer.

While hiking across the sand dunes on the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada during the summer months, some will find the blazing heat from the sun to be unbearable. Hikers should be fully prepared on hot summe ...
Plant Patterns Sand Dunes Spirit Sands Trail Manitoba

The strong winds which pass across the sand dunes along the Spirit Sands Trail in Manitoba, Canada can forcefully whip around the plants leaving behind fascinating patterns.

The Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada is restricted to hiking where the winds whip across the sand dunes leaving behind various patterns. The wind has given these plants emerging from the sand dunes a ride as ...
Spirit Sands Trail Sign Spruce Woods Provincial Park Manitoba

An interpretative sign helps visitors to the area to understand the importance and beauty along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada.

An interpretative sign while hiking along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada is always a welcoming sight. Each sign along the trail describes the land and the life which grows in the area with some providin ...
Spirit Sands Hardy Wildlflower Spruce Woods Provincial Park

Dotted across the sand dunes in the Spirit Sands in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, are wildflowers which thrive. They are extremely hardy except on those days when the sun is unbearable or when the sand is being whipped around.

Scattered across the sand dunes in Spirit Sands in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada, bright pinkish/red wildflowers emerge from beneath the sand in the warmer months. These wildflowers are extremely hardy and can take a fair amoun ...
Assiniboine River Spirit Sands Spruce Woods Provincial Park

From the trail to Devils Punch Bowl, one can see how the Assiniboine River surrounds small patches of green islands on its way through Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada.

From the trail to the Devils Punch Bowl in Spirit Sands in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, the scenery of the Assiniboine River is beautiful as it winds its way through the landscape. The river is 655 miles long and spans the prairie la ...
Spirit Sands Trail Wildflower Spruce Woods Provincial Park Manitoba

The beautiful hues of a wildflower blossoming in the sand dunes along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada.

A bright reddish/orange colored wildflower thrives in the sand dunes along the Spirit Sands Trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada. Most of the plants along the Spirit Sands Trail are flowering plants where they blossom across ...
Sand Dune Growth The Great Sand Hills Saskatchewan

In the middle of a sand dune located in The Great Sand Hills near Sceptre, Saskatchewan, the growth of a tree seems like a strange sight.

In The Great Sand Hills near Sceptre, Saskatchewan, massive sand dunes rise out of nowhere, some being 35 - 40 feet high and 160 yards long. Sand dunes span across this landscape, some a kilometer apart, and in between the rolling hills, the grow ...

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Canada photography and photos - Sand Dune Pictures