Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada

Wildlife Pictures

(There are 194 photos in this photo gallery.)

Mother Polar Bear With Cub Churchill Wildlife Management Area

A mother Polar Bear keeps close contact with her cub who nuzzles in under her chin in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba in Canada.

As a tundra buggy tour in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada nears, a mother polar bear stays very close to her cub. With the cub nestled against her legs, the mother will do anything necessary to protect her cub if there is any sign ...
Hudson Bay Coastline Polar Bear Churchill Manitoba

As winter slowly moves into Churchill, Manitoba, the coastline of the Hudson Bay begins to take on its icy appearance. Once this coastline is frozen enough, the Polar Bear will stop foraging along the shore and head out onto the water for a Ringed Seal.

The coastline of the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba has not reached its maximum freezing point, only the edges of the shores have begun to freeze, leaving the polar bear to scour up and down for any food. While the Polar Bear waits patiently for his firs ...
Polar Bear Winter Meal Churchill Manitoba Canada

On a frozen lake in Churchill, Manitoba in Canada, a Polar Bear enjoys his meal of Ringed Seal. Winter has once again arrived in Churchill, keeping this Polar Bear happy with one of his first solid meals in months.

The lakes and landscape around Churchill, Manitoba in Canada have finally become frozen and blanketed with a layer of ice where this polar bear enjoys one of his first winter meals. This meal of Ringed Seal is a favorite for the Polar Bear and after a long ...
Polar Bear Winter Snow Storm Churchill Manitoba

A winter snow storm has finally arrived in Churchill, Manitoba, giving this Polar Bear a glimpse of hope for the meals he has been patiently waiting for.

A snow storm has finally arrived in Churchill, Manitoba which is what this polar bear has been waiting months for so that he can head to the shores of the Hudson Bay for a good meal of ringed seals. The snow on the tundra across the Churchill Wildlife Manag ...
Canada Goose With Goslings Point Pelee National Park

Six goslings in Lake Erie at the Marsh Boardwalk in Pelee National Park in Ontario, Canada, stay close to the adult Canada Goose watching over them.

Caring for six goslings, an adult Canada Goose keeps a close watch out for any strange occurrences while swimming with the family along the shores of Lake Erie in Point Pelee National Park in Leamington, Ontario. A Canada Goose is very protective ...
Scenic Polar Bear Picture Hudson Bay Churchill Manitoba

A scenic view of the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba and a Polar Bear wandering up along the top of the barren rocks.

As the polar bear awaits the onset of winter in Churchill, Manitoba, he wanders aimlessly around on the barren landscape waiting for the shores of the Hudson Bay to freeze.The scenic view of the Hudson Bay, the tall trees scattered across the lan ...
Polar Bear Food Source Ringed Seal

Waiting months to be able to find his favorite food source, a Ringed Seal, a Polar Bear takes his meal onto a frozen lake near the shores of the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba.

The landscape and the lakes near the shores of the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba have frozen, making it easier for a polar bear to find his favorite food source. This Polar Bear has captured a Ringed Seal and brought it onto a frozen lake where he keeps ...
Hudson Bay Polar Bear Winter Churchill Manitoba

The snow brings on the arrival of winter in Churchill, Manitoba where a Polar Bear stands atop a ridge near the shores of the Hudson Bay.

The tundra near the shores of the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba is just starting to freeze and become blanketed in snow as the winter weather begins. Peering over a ridge, an adult polar bear looks down upon us as we quickly snap some pictures. ...
Polar Bear Snow Storm Hudson Bay Churchill Manitoba

A Polar Bear leisurely strolls along a gravel road in a snow storm near the shores of the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba.

The ideal weather for a polar bear is the cold and snow which this adult seems to enjoy as he wanders along a road which winds its way near the shores of the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba. After waking from many restful naps waiting for winter to encomp ...
Grasslands National Park Black Tailed Prairie Dogs Picture

Across the landscape in Grasslands National Park in Saskatchewan, Canada, Black-tailed Prairie Dogs scatter themselves around their burrows.

A place known as Dog Town in the West Block of Grasslands National Park in Saskatchewan, Canada is where people can watch generations of Black-tailed Prairie Dog families in the wild. At least 25 or more colonies of Black-tailed Prairie Dogs resi ...
George Lake Campground Raccoon Killarney Provincial Park

As sunset nears over the George Lake Campground in Killarney Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada, a raccoon decides it is time to check things out.

The raccoon is a typical scavenger and this particular one thinks he can find something good to eat while walking through a campground at sunset. There are approximately 122 campsites at the George Lake Campground and during the summer, the racco ...
Mother Polar Bear Protection Hudson Bay Churchill Manitoba

Protection is the number one concern for any mother, but a Polar Bear will keep her cub safe anyway she knows how while being watched by humans who are on a tour to the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba.

A Polar Bear cub knows that the protection of its mother is very important and will stay close if feeling threatened in anyway. The mother hovers over her cub as this is its first time seeing human faces staring at it from the windows of a Tundra ...
Mother Bighorn Sheep With Lamb Banff National Park Alberta

Near the shores of Lake Minnewanka in Banff National Park, Alberta, a mother Bighorn Sheep stays alert of her surroundings while with her lamb.

In a grassy field in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada, a mother Bighorn Sheep stays within a close range of her lamb. Until the lamb reaches about 4-6 months old, it will survive on its mother's milk but during these months, it will also le ...
Red Lake Ontario Wildlife Black Bear

A common wildlife species to see around the wilderness near the town of Red Lake in Ontario, Canada is a Black Bear.

Wildlife is plentiful around the town of Red Lake, Ontario, especially on the outskirts where tall, green grass grows making it the perfect place for grazing for many types of animals. This adult Black Bear was busily munching on the grass, which ...
Adult Female Black Bear Back Scratching Riding Mountain National Park

An adult female Black Bear takes some time out for scratching her back on a tree in Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba, Canada.

Standing on her hind feet, an adult female Black Bear takes pleasure in scratching her back on one of the smaller trees in Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba, Canada. The Black Bear can stand on its hind legs for a long period of time whil ...
Black Tailed Prairie Dogs Picture Frenchman River Valley Saskatchewan

A family of Black-tailed Prairie Dogs sit atop their burrow along the Frenchman River Valley Ecotour Route in the West Block of Grasslands National Park in Saskatchewan, Canada.

A family of Black-tailed Prairie Dogs along the Frenchman River Valley Ecotour Route in Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, sitting above their burrow, are just a small part of the 25 dog towns or colonies in the area. The Black-tailed Prairi ...
Lake Erie Canada Goose Goslings Point Pelee National Park Ontario

An adult female Canada Goose watches over her goslings on the marshy shoreline of Lake Erie in Point Pelee National Park in Leamington, Ontario in Canada.

Along the marsh boardwalk of Lake Erie in Point Pelee National Park in Leamington, Ontario in Canada, a beautiful sight to see is a mother Canada Goose tending to her goslings. Three fluffy little goslings rest on the lakeshore as the female keep ...
Curious Baby Polar Bear Tundra Buggy Churchill

A curious 11 month old baby Polar Bear, sniffs around a tundra buggy in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada.

Polar Bears are very curious about any unusual events, but this baby, who is only 11 months old, finds the tundra buggy and the faces on board very intriguing. As the tundra buggy stops in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba to let ...
Polar Bear Close Up Picture Churchill Manitoba

As this Polar Bear approaches, we were able to capture this close up picture while bear watching in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada.

A close up picture of a polar bear in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada, lets us see the snow white fur covering his body and the massive size of his head. His tiny rounded ears, along with his short tail, aid in the Polar Bear losi ...
Cute Arctic Marine Mammal Churchill Manitoba

The Polar Bear resides in the Arctic region in Churchill, Manitoba and this marine mammal shows off his cute side while resting on the frozen tundra.

The Polar Bear is a type of marine mammal who loves the cold Arctic temperatures and while this one waits for the Hudson Bay to freeze over in order to catch some ringed seals, he relaxes on the frozen tundra. As cute as this picture is, the polar bear is t ...
Approaching Polar Bear Churchill Manitoba

A Polar Bear approaching a group of tourists who have come to watch these beautiful animals in their natural habitat in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada.

While scanning the frozen tundra in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba, one never knows from which direction the next polar bear will be approaching from. This Polar Bear comes out from behind the dry tundra bush to see if there a ...
Cute Sitting Polar Bear Churchill Manitoba

A cute Polar Bear sitting on the frozen tundra of the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada as he scouts out the area for any signs of danger.

The tundra of the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada has just begun to receive its colder temperatures as the area has a thin layer of snow on it. A polar bear decides sitting for a short while will rejuvenate him to make the trek to the ...
Polar Bear Snow Resting Hudson Bay Manitoba

A Polar Bear resting on the thin layer of snow which has begun to cover the landscape near the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba.

A Polar Bear resting his head on a bank covered in a thin layer of snow which has finally started to arrive in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada. It will not take long for the Hudson Bay to start to freeze over and the re ...
Polar Bear Trot Snow Covered Landscape Churchill

A beautiful adult Polar Bear as he slowly trots over the first snow fall which has covered the landscape in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba.

A Polar Bear in a slow trot as he explores the snow covered landscape in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area near the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba. One can never predict whether a polar bear will go from a slow trot into a fast run, so visitors must ...
Polar Bear Curious Face Bear Watching Manitoba

The curious look on the face of a Polar Bear as seen by people bear watching on the tundra buggy tours in Churchill, Manitoba.

Polar Bear watching is a very popular activity for many people who visit Churchill, Manitoba before the Arctic weather takes over the landscape. With a curious look on this Polar Bear's face, he examines the faces looking back at him while wander ...
Posing Polar Bear Barren Tundra Churchill Manitoba

A Polar Bear posing for our camera on the barren tundra in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada.

The tundra is still very dry and barren in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area near the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba as this adult polar bear sits very nicely while we take his picture. These animals do not make posing part of their daily task, it i ...
Polar Bear Cloud Watching Churchill Manitoba

A Polar Bear lounging on the tundra of the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada watching the cloud formations go by.

A Polar Bear appears to be watching the cloud formations float by while relaxing on the barren tundra in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, but in reality he is investigating the overhead noise. The polar bear is patiently waiting for the ...
Head First Polar Bear Churchill Manitoba

A baby Polar Bear dives head first into the wheel well of a Tundra Buggy in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba to see what lurks inside.

A polar bear cub figures out that his whole head will fit inside the wheel well on a tundra buggy and so he decides to dive in head first to have a closer look around. This is the first year in which this Polar Bear has been able to explore the area on its ...
Polar Bear Closeness Tundra Buggy Tours Churchill

The closeness which passengers aboard the tundra buggy tours in Churchill, Manitoba can encounter while Polar Bear watching.

Sitting on the muddy road, a polar bear Cub looks up towards the passengers aboard one of the tundra buggy tours and the closeness seems to be exactly what everyone has been waiting for. If the Polar Bear could talk, one would wonder what he would be saying ...
Baby Polar Bear Stance Churchill Manitoba

A baby Polar Bear takes his stance against the tire of a tundra buggy tour in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada.

A baby polar bear takes a stance against one of the tires on a tundra buggy in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada to see what the people aboard are doing. The passengers aboard this tour, get a prime opportunity to take some pictures ...
Polar Bear Exploring Churchill Wildlife Management Area

A baby Polar Bear exploring the tire on a Tundra Buggy in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba.

Strange things pass through the Churchill Wildlife Management Area and a curious little polar bear decides that exploring them is his best option to see what it is all about. Sniffing the tire on a tundra buggy, the Polar Bear will soon realize that it is n ...
Polar Bear Baby Tundra Buggy Tours Churchill

A baby Polar Bear looks up at the action happening aboard a Tundra Buggy which tours into the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada for some bear watching.

Tundra Buggy Tours leave from Churchill, Manitoba before winter arrives taking tourists out to watch the polar bears who meander across the tundra. A baby Polar Bear looks curious as he tries to figure out what is staring back at him from the windows of the ...
Global Warming Polar Bears Churchill Manitoba

Global warming is a true fear which will effect the Polar Bears around Churchill, Manitoba if care is not taken now instead of later.

The polar bears patiently wait for the area around Churchill, Manitoba to freeze over so their search for ringed seals can begin. Global warming is beginning to have an impact on these Polar Bears as the ice is melting sooner than it should be and it is taki ...
Polar Bear Bellyflop Pose Arctic Landscape

A Polar Bear has a pose like that of a bellyflop as he lounges on the Arctic landscape in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba.

Leisurely lazing around on the Arctic landscape in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada, a Polar Bear strikes a pose which appears very comfortable. The bellyflop pose is often performed by a polar bear when people are touring aboard t ...
Arctic Animal Yawning Hudson Bay Churchill

A Polar Bear showing his massive teeth while yawning lets us see some of the power this Arctic animal will use if necessary while journeying along the coastline of the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba.

The most powerful Arctic animal that ventures near the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba is the polar bear and this one shows us his sharp teeth while in the midst of a yawn. A yawning Polar Bear is regularly seen in Churchill after the naps this animal tak ...
Sitting Positions Polar Bear Rugged Rocks Churchill

Atop the rugged rocks in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada, a Polar Bear adjusts his sitting positions to see what surrounds him.

A Polar Bear has a variety of sitting positions which they prefer, like this one who relaxes atop the rugged rocks in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada. Sitting up in a similar position which a human would, a polar bear scours the a ...
Polar Bear Water Source Hudson Bay Coastline

With his tongue hanging out, this Polar Bear found a source of water that he might want to have a drink from near the Hudson Bay coastline in Churchill, Manitoba.

Winter has not yet taken over the tundra near the Hudson Bay coastline in Churchill, Manitoba and this polar bear decides he might want a drink from this small source of water he has found. Across the landscape, there are small pools of water that have beco ...
Polar Bear Back Massage Winter Arrival Churchill

A Polar Bear enjoys a back massage on the tundra around Churchill, Manitoba as the arrival of winter begins to appear.

A nice way to spend some time for a polar bear is to lay about on their back and massage themselves on the cold winter landscape in Churchill, Manitoba to take away any itchy spots. When the arrival of winter finally appears, a Polar Bear could not be happi ...
Polar Bear Time Out Winter Landscape Churchill

Everybody likes a little time out, even this Polar Bear who rests on the snow covered landscape at the onset of winter in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba.

Still waiting for the landscape to fully turn into a winter wonderland, every polar bear rests quite a bit trying to conserve their energy before they begin their winter feeding frenzy. Every time out taken by a Polar Bear will ensure that a Polar Bear is r ...
Polar Bear Face Tundra Wilderness Churchill Manitoba

A beautiful close up picture of the face of a Polar Bear in the tundra wilderness in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba in Canada.

Green bushes in the wilderness of the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba still surround this Polar Bear which will soon be covered in snow once winter arrives across the tundra. The small rounded ears, dark black eyes and b ...

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Canada photography and photos - Wildlife Pictures